Make transactions easier and official with an EORI number. Find out what it is, its uses, who needs it, and how to apply for it in this quick guide.
Making your Estonian annual report is mandatory for all companies registered in Estonia. However, according to Estonian statistics and the business registry data, many businesses will not submit this document on time.
Here is a quick general overview of how NFT is taxed in Estonia. This overview covers sales and purchases of NFT as a business and not as a private person.
There are a couple of important changes to the VAT rules for e-commerce businesses. And as many e-residents are in e-commerce space, it’s a rather important topic.
Once you become an e-resident and start looking into service providers who can help you, it can get overwhelming pretty quickly. By now, there are quite a few different providers. Some service providers are focused on concrete geographical markets, and some are focused on concrete industries.
European Union has a VAT scheme for digital services which applies to all Member States – it’s called MOSS. MOSS simplifies VAT reporting for companies providing digital services in the EU.
There are some questions which our clients have always asked us throughout the years. One that usually pops up is about fringe benefits. Below, we will explain what kind of expenses the company can cover, and which expenses are taxed.
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